This term I, along with a few other boys, started the Manukura Pilot class. This is a class with the goal to change the current way of learning for the better. So far three weeks in here are my thoughts.
I think this class is working very well, fulfilling every goal it set out to complete. The work seems more interesting and feels like it will actually be helpful when I’m older. Compared to learning about random subjects that have nothing to do with our future, we're learning about subjects such as leadership that would help us anywhere in life. As well Sam’s teaching style also helps me to understand the subject more since he talks to you as if it was an actual conversation instead of just telling you what to do. This lets you get more in depth with your questions being answered straight away and it's easy to be actively listening. Lastly this class makes you feel more in control of your learning. You get to choose what tasks you do and when you do them as long as you’ve completed them all by the set time frame. Additionally we’ve got a lot of input on rules and how this class runs.
Though I don’t like how much time I have to do everything. We have a lot of time, which might seem good to some but for me it makes me do less work as I procrastinate a lot. Having heaps of time to do tasks slows down how much work I get done because I think I can do it later, and I don’t want to put all my effort into it. I also get bored of something after 2-3 hours working on the same subject. As well I think the work could be more targeted, as it feels less satisfying to complete work that's too easy or I haven’t put effort in to complete.