Friday, 8 September 2023

Radio Show Learning Reflection

 Radio Show Learning Reflection

Recently I've been working on creating a radio show segment with a group of people, Bill, Lachie and Stanley. For this radio show segment we had to pick a subject which we talk about and then interview relevant people about it. Our group chose to talk about Manukura's plans to change learning. Manukura is a boys leadership group here at Otaki College, and they are planning on changing learning by running a class which is more controlled by you. You can listen here

I think our group did very well as we all contributed where we could and with what we are good at. Though we could have practised speaking skills more, as some parts felt awkward or robotic. 

I also think I contributed well to the group, as I wrote most of the script and helped with other little things. Next time I could be more willing to change my ideas when others disagree. My communication skills improved a bit through this activity as I thought about others ideas more, though I don't think I thought about them enough.

This was an interesting activity for learning but I would have liked to have more time for our radio show. Because I felt that it we had to squash things together and rush some parts.