On Wednesday some members of the KCDC came to our class and set up 3 activities. These activities were to find out what our class and other kids would like in a youth centre. Each activity had a question and we would answer with sticky note, sticker and pictures. The class was split into 3 groups and we went to different activities. My group started at an activity where you placed a sticker where you wanted the youth centre to be. A lot of kids put the sticker next to their house. Then we moved on to a task were the question was 1 thing I need and 3 things I want, this required you to grab some slips of paper with pictures and put them in the boxes. If there was no slip for what you want you wrote it down on a stick note. Finally we had to write what we think would happen if there was a youth centre.
At the end we finished as a class doing an activity called blue sky dreaming. In this task you could write whatever you think Otaki needs on a sticky note, and attach it to a big piece of paper. This activity had so many crazy ideas that would be really fun.
If there was a youth centre in Otaki I would hope for it to have areas that accept all different types of hobbies. Like arts and craft, gaming, sports, board games and cooking. also there could be fun activities to joke around with or have fun. Hopefully, it's easy to meet new people with no one bullying anyone. This will allow people to show there interests with friends and find new friends threw their interests. Also if weekly there were one or two new experiences` for people to try. I can't wait till it is finished.